Monday 8 January 2018

Cats (and dogs) in a nutshell

I found this comics on the Facebook page of Sarah's Scribbles. I love her comics, not because it is very sophisticated, because of course it is not, but because she is a very good observer and with the same kind of sensibility I have. See this post and that post for more examples. As a cat lover and a cat owner, I found this strip particularly well put. That is pretty much how a cat thinks, or makes you feel. Accepted under certain circumstances. As for dogs, well, they sure are affectionate. Anyway, not only is it very observant, I also find it hilarious: the dumb enthusiasm of the pooch, the black cat's aloof demeanor... And I thought to share it here.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like her comics too and this is a good one!